Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We interrupt this dissertation...

To bring you another, rape-related Topic of Interest. Writing the Duende, to clarify, is not and will not be a blog about rape. It's a blog about whatever currents sweep me up in them, and right now that's the national hubbub around rape.

I've been talking about rape in the abstract and political senses, so here's another side to it: Banned books. Specifically, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson:


Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Crisis of Men and the Faults of Feminism - Or, "Bitch, make me a sammich"

I am not a man. I have never been a young boy in America, and in this life time I never will be. I therefore do not speak from direct personal experience, but from observed phenomena and conjecture.

With that being said, I will now have a self assured make out session with my pet theory.

In previous posts, I noted the number of men committing rapes recently. These are typically college age men, in their late teens and early twenties. (I do not speak for all rapes, rapists, or forms of sexual abuse. These are merely the rapists I am concerned with, for the purposes of this post.) It is a disturbing trend, particularly in a generation that has supposedly been taught to respect women and girls as equals.

However, there is something far more disturbing. I am 16 years old. I have male friends of all ages - from 20 to 13. In these men and boys, I have noticed a direct correlation between respect for women, and age. The younger the boys, the less the respect. It can be argued, perhaps, that a 13 yr old treating females a certain way, is due to immaturity and will soon be grown out of.

If we're talking about frogs in desks and pig-tail pulling, that's true -- but I'm not. I'm talking about sexual objectification, name calling, physical abuse, and the playing of video "games" such as Rapeplay (why does that even EXIST???). Further, I have observed a number of the same boys for the last four years. Those same thirteen year old boys I noticed being disturbingly disrespectful in middle school, are now seventeen years old. Their behaviour hasn't changed.

To illustrate this point, I direct your attention to the recently popular (but thankfully, receding) "Bitch, make me a sammich" so-called joke. It's a one liner, it's a put-down, it closes a conversation - and it's a blatant, one-up-ya power play directed exclusively at females. Any woman who protests this line, is immediately attacked by male AND female members of a group, as being "unable to take a joke".

Of course, this is life. Right? Perhaps unpleasant, but decidedly typical, especially in teenage circles. Well, I disagree.

I've been bullied. Not in a little kids, rough and tumble way, but in a brutal, pointed, changing-schools-to-get-away kind of way. For most of school, I was decidedly unpopular. I was the twelve year old who analyzed her classmates looking for trends in gender dynamics -- how many friends do you think I had? So, I'm used to being shot down. Used to being laughed at, ignored, teased, and one-upped in conversation again and again and again. I don't say this to beg for a pity party, but to point out: THAT is the run-of-the-mill brutality of adolescence. I've seen it, I know what it is.

"Make me a sammich" is not that. So why? Why is it different? It's different because it's not the victimization of one person, or the elevation of one person. The thousands of variants on "I'm pretty, you're ugly", for example, are individualized. They put one specific person (the bully) above one other specific person (the bullied). Your hair, your braces, your slutishness, your fat ass. Each case is an issue between two people.

The sammich line goes farther, and deeper. In a group of adolescents, Jason may use it to silence Tasha - but the "joke" isn't about Tasha. It doesn't put Jason above Tasha, it puts the males of the group above the females, for no other reason than the fact that "we are males, and you are females". It is, in other words, sexism in it's most pure and blatant form.

It is easy to take this fact and go down a typical road - sexism is bad, they need to stop being sexist, there is danger here, etc.

But I think a closer look at this is required. It is not, after all, implying that women are sexual objects, or naturally submissive, or incapable of contributing to the work force. It is instead bringing back an idea that is ancient to my generation: that women belong in the home. I realize that to those even 20 years older than us, it may not seem that outdated... but to my generation, it's midevil.

So, why bring it back? Because it's a "cold" issue, ie one that you can bring back without being so politically incorrect that the opinion of the group turns against you. It's nothing more than a canvas on which to paint the larger message of: Men stand above women. It's not just a power play, it's a declaration of dominance, control, power.

And yanno what? You can say that's been happening forever, but the truth is, it hasn't. Have men (and women, for that matter) been playing out that notion for centuries? You bet. But the verbal, universally used declaration of men-are-better-than-women hasn't been verbalized on this scale in the past several decades. I'm not talking about a joke that some people happen to use, here. I'm talking about a line that everyone used -- in it's peak just a few months ago, it was as widely used as "That's what she said" or "Your mom" in their respective days.

I've rambled slightly, so to sum up the above quickly: Boys and young men are increasingly asserting their social and physical power over women, even as their economic, social, and educational advantages decrease and even reverse. This begins in words, but it's a pretty quick step over to physical abuse, and then to rape.

I don't think it's very difficult to make the next logical step: Boys and men are being threatened by the rise of women, the success of feminism, and the gradual but undeniable deconstruction of a patriarchal governing system.

Why? Because they're lost, and feminism has shifted the focus so much on to women, that no one is standing by to help the boys as they try and find their place in a suddenly "broken" world.

More on that in my next post. In the mean time, you REALLY want to read this: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/the-new-girl-power-why-were-living-in-a-young-womans-world-2074042.html

I am a goddess

And I fit into my size 4 skinny jeans. First time since fifth grade.

I think I'll have a double chocolate mocha with extra whip to celebrate.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And then there was.

I needed a rant. I've had one.

So. The slightly more concise version of the below post is this.

There are an alarming number of rapes being committed. It's possible that the number of reported cases has simply risen, but it does seem like the number of rapes per year is alarmingly high and rising.

What this means? Younger generations of men are committing more rapes than older generations.

Yes: these forward thinking, steeped-in-women's-rights, female-power-enjoying*, out-earned men**, are violently attacking and abusing women in unprecedented numbers.

So, my question is: WHY?


*Meryl Streep's most attractive role, to men (according to her?) Miranda, from Devil Wears Prada. Go figure. :P

**According to recent census data, single women without children btw thew ages of 20-30 are out-earning their male counterparts for the first time in history.

The Rape Post

If I see another rape coverage focusing on women as victims, I may scream.

Women are raped. Lots of women are raped. Lots of young women are raped.

Yes, we know this. Yes, it's a really big problem.

So why is no one talking about the people doing the raping - the MEN? There are few serial rapists out there. Most rapes occur on an individual basis - one man raping one woman. So, if one in five women is raped before she graduates university* that roughly works out to what, 1 in 5.5 men raping someone before they graduate?

I dunno about you all, but I don't believe men are intrinsically bad, evil people. I have a boyfriend I love, and I respect the male friends, family, and role models in my life.

So why the hell are 20% of men committing atrocities of this nature before they reach the age of 30?

THAT is what concerns me. We can focus on the women all we want, and yes, there are issues of significant feminist concern when it comes to rape. But I have, probably twenty men I'm very close to. Statistically speaking, four of them have raped someone, or will rape someone. I will be the first to vouch that they are not bad people. So what's causing them to do bad things?

People who blame women for "asking for it" are, obviously, obnoxious wankers who should be deported. HOWEVER, people get so caught up in the "don't blame the victim" mentality, they forget the next logical step: If it's not HER fault, then it is HIS fault, and there needs to be a reason for that.

The individual women are not the issue here. If they were, the statistics would be much, much smaller. When something affects more than 20% of the population (and counting!),I don't think we're dealing with a series of concerning but individualized cases anymore. That has morphed into a serious societal problem, and it needs addressing as a symptom of an illness afflicting our society society as a whole.

To the world at large: WAKE UP. Our young men are clearly in crisis, and the rest of the country is paying the price.

*Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/college-campus-assaults-constant-threat/story?id=11410988

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


In which I condense all the important facts into haiku

Tea With The Squash God
.'s don't count; #blogcrush

Boyfriend sent me link
That counts; #boyfriend crush

umbrellas will lean
like polar bears in the red
electrical cords


Monday, August 23, 2010

In Other News, I am a Masochistic Bitch

Masochistic: You don't know me, if you're reading this. It's almost certain. Unless you stalk me, in which case: you are creepy but have good taste. So.. rock on?

The point being, there are a few basic facts you need to know about me. The first is that I attract illnesses like honey attracts bees, camp fires attract Hersheys, and George Clooney attracts the entire freaking planet.

Witness: I spent my summer voiceless, energyless, trying very hard not to puke (don't want to offend the etiquette types, after all; a friend informed me throwing up in the middle of dinner isn't considered "socially acceptable". Trends these days...) and generally considering pandering my lungs to China's black market, as they were doing a damn fine job of making it out of my body. What China might want with my lungs is not the point: I had Whooping Cough.

Yes - that "thing the Pioneers got".

Today, (mostly) cured, I ventured back into the world of martial arts for a tet a tet with the depths of my stupidity. Whatever you're thinking is probably a lot funnier, and a lot less painful than Experiences I'd Rather Not Relive, so I shall leave it at that.

In other corners, I'm officially a Bitch; this showed up in my mail box today: http://bitchmagazine.org/

If you follow that link RIGHT NOW, yes YOU, I'm talking TO YOU, you can read a fabulous article on overweight women and sexuality (Read it. It'll make you think - and if this is what you're doing with your time? Obviously you need to. :P) AND follow the links at the bottom of the page to view some NSFW fat ladies. How cool is that?

So I'm off, with a champagne cork for the lot of you (congratulations! You found me!) and I'll see you all tomorrow.

Try not to die in the mean time. I'd be most upset.

For me?

You're a dear.


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Climb

Who knew
Something so small
Could become
So big?

Under my skin
It swells
Becomes an army

Marches down my cheeks
In the now present hollows
And continues

To my heart,
Like silly putty in a child's fist

To my stomach
Eating but
I am starving

Slivers down my legs
Into joints
And back

Up my spine
To breathe
Stealing me

Then up
Into the inner sanctum
With unsung tomorrows

It rips
From my
Unprotesting fingers

even yesterdays