I needed a rant. I've had one.
So. The slightly more concise version of the below post is this.
There are an alarming number of rapes being committed. It's possible that the number of reported cases has simply risen, but it does seem like the number of rapes per year is alarmingly high and rising.
What this means? Younger generations of men are committing more rapes than older generations.
Yes: these forward thinking, steeped-in-women's-rights, female-power-enjoying*, out-earned men**, are violently attacking and abusing women in unprecedented numbers.
So, my question is: WHY?
*Meryl Streep's most attractive role, to men (according to her?) Miranda, from Devil Wears Prada. Go figure. :P
**According to recent census data, single women without children btw thew ages of 20-30 are out-earning their male counterparts for the first time in history.
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